Why Am I Doing This?

If I’ve made daily posts for the past twenty-plus days, I’ve found myself wondering what I’m going to get out of this. Some may say that’s the wrong way to look at it, so differently, what will readers get out of this?

You know, I don’t know, so should perhaps reassess.

I started writing a book about creative work called I Need to Tell You earlier in 2020. I’ve not worked on the text in the past half-year, and though the idea is a good one, to share with people how they can form a creative career, I seem to think I lack credibility because I’ve not yet found how to make a creative profession profitable. Making money from our work, I believe, is one of the main things I need to relay for the book to be valuable.

Some people talk about the intrinsic value of creating (books, music, podcasts, or visual art), and I believe in that, yet I’ve craved financial success with my work and have yet to find it. I’ve now published over ten books, though my sales since October 2016 on Amazon net only $320.02. Creating isn’t so much my issue, yet marketing and distribution have been.

With my What Are You Craving? post yesterday, I reconsidered how I may be striving for things and missing out on enjoying life and the process. I’ve not been hustling and working obsessively, yet have been obsessing about how and what to do. The idea with the blog was to share my thoughts openly, and by doing so, also invite people to read my books. A trip with that, though, is I’ve not been a fan of push marketing and want to earn genuine sales without chasing money. If I want money, though, then why would anyone want to give me any?

I so often have found myself spinning in circles and spinning my wheels without getting a good grip. I need to clarify my core desires and ethically align with how I can provide to gather results. Other than obscure or interesting thought, though, do I have to provide? And, if to monetize, more importantly, what can I provide that people want or value?

A quick call with my Dad reminded me that; if to provide something, people need to want or value it. I appreciate time, and I have a lot of it, yet I can’t give people time, can I? Another book idea is a workbook of questions for people to answer to gain self-awareness and clarity; Questions You May Need to Answer.

I’ve heard and read that we can increase the quality of our lives by asking better questions. I think a high-value is being able to answer any question. I love the idea of being interviewed and answering questions, and I value questions because answering them gives me insight into my genuine beliefs and opinions. Perhaps the Questions You May Need to Answer book is a decent idea. What do you think?

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